Holding(s) in Company
1.Identityoftheissuer ortheunderlyingissuer ofexisting sharestowhichvoting rightsareattached:ii |
ArrowGlobalGroupPLC |
2Reason for thenotification(pleaseticktheappropriateboxor boxes): |
Anacquisitionordisposalofvotingrights |
x |
Anacquisitionordisposalofqualifyingfinancialinstrumentswhichmayresultintheacquisitionofsharesalreadyissuedtowhichvotingrightsareattached |
Anacquisitionordisposalofinstrumentswithsimilareconomiceffecttoqualifying financialinstruments |
Aneventchangingthebreakdownofvotingrights |
Other(please specify): |
3.Fullnameofperson(s)subjecttothe notification obligation:iii |
KairosInvestmentManagementLimited as agentfor: KairosPegasusFundLtd, KairosInternationalSicav –PegasusUCITSKairosSelection |
4.Fullnameofshareholder(s) (ifdifferentfrom3.):iv |
KairosPegasusFundLtd, KairosInternationalSicav –PegasusUCITSKairosSelection |
5.Dateof thetransactionand dateon which thethreshold iscrossed or reached:v |
19/12/16 |
6.Dateonwhich issuer notified: |
16/02/16 |
7.Threshold(s)that is/arecrossedor reached:vi,vii |
Goingabove3% |
8.Notifieddetails: |
A: Voting rightsattached tosharesviii,ix |
Class/typeof shares
ifpossibleusingtheISINCODE |
Situationprevious tothetriggeringtransaction |
Resultingsituationafterthetriggeringtransaction |
Number of Shares |
Number ofVoting Rights |
Number of shares |
Numberofvoting rights |
%of votingrightsx |
Direct |
xi Direct |
xii Indirect |
Direct |
Indirect |
107000 |
107000 |
107000 |
107000 |
0.00 |
0.06 |
0.00 |
B:QualifyingFinancialInstruments |
Resultingsituationafterthetriggeringtransaction |
Typeoffinancial instrument |
Expirationdatexiii |
Exercise/ ConversionPeriodxiv |
Numberofvoting rightsthatmaybe acquirediftheinstrumentis exercised/converted. |
%ofvoting rights |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
C:FinancialInstrumentswithsimilareconomiceffecttoQualifyingFinancialInstruments xv,xvi |
Resultingsituationafterthetriggeringtransaction |
Typeoffinancial instrument |
Exercise price |
Expirationdatexvii |
Exercise/ Conversionperiodxviii |
Numberofvotingrights instrumentrefersto |
%ofvotingrightsxix, xx |
ContractfordifferenceContractfordifferenceContractfordifference |
N/A |
15.06.18 07.06.18 15.01.26 |
24,384 4,040,473 1,078,092 |
Nominal |
Delta |
0.01% 2.32% 0.62% |
Total (A+B+C)
Numberofvotingrights |
Percentageofvotingrights |
5,249,949 |
3.01% |
9. Chain of controlled undertakings through which thevoting rightsand/or the financial instruments are effectively held, ifapplicable:xxi
Asat 19.12.16, Kairos InvestmentManagement Limited (“KIML“) managed KairosPegasus Fund
Ltd (KPFL),KairosInternational Sicav – Pegasus UCITS (KISPEG)and KairosSelection (KSEL).
Asat 19.12.16,only KISPEG held ordinary sharesthat held voting rights(107,000). The remaining interest was held through contractsfordifference with no voting rights at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs.
KSEL: 24,384 held with Morgan Stanley via swap – Expiry 15.06.18
KPFL: 1,078,092 held with Goldman Sachs via swap– Expiry15.01.26
KISPEG: 4,040,473 held with Morgan Stanley via swap – Expiry 07.06.18
On 01.01.17, KIML ceased to manage KSEL.
Asat 16.02.17(dateof notification),KIML acting asagent for KISPEG and KPFL interest in ArrowGlobal remainsabove 3% (3.73%), split 107,000Ordinary Voting shares and6,397,417as contracts fordifference.
ProxyVoting: |
10.Nameoftheproxyholder: |
KairosInvestmentManagement Limited |
11.Number ofvoting rightsproxyholderwillcease tohold: |
N/A |
12.Dateonwhich proxyholderwillceaseto holdvoting rights: |
N/A |
13.Additionalinformation: |
None |
14.Contactname: |
SophieHoward |
15.Contacttelephonenumber: |
02073983060 |